
Chrome vs Chromium

Chrome vs Chromium. A detailed article for the differences of Google Chrome and Chromium internet browsers. In the previous article for how to install Chrome on Ubuntuand Mint we mentioned an internet browser that is called Chromium and we also said that Google Chrome is based on it. Those two browsers seem to look alike and in this guide we’ll see with what criteria we’ll choose which one to install.

Install Latest Google Chrome in Ubuntu 13.10

Integrated capabilities audio and video playback. View google Voice Flash plugin (Pepper flash) Automatic Update System Projector image processor (only Chrome OS) File Manager (File manager) (only Chrome OS) Wallpaper and applications on windows (only Chrome OS) audio test tools, network, battery, etc. (only Chrome OS) Installing latest version of Google Chrome is quite easy and I will be installing it on a x64 Ubuntu OS.

Create a Chrome App for your Website

[code lang=”js”] { “manifest_version”: 2, “name”: “Sysadmin Blog App”, “short_name”: “Max of 12 characters”, “description”: “Your website description in 132 characters or less.”, “version”: “1.1”, “icons”: { “128”: “icon.png” }, “app”: { “urls”: [ “" ], “launch”: { “web_url”: “" } }, “permissions”: [ “unlimitedStorage”, “notifications” ] } [/code]

Installing Google Chrome 32 on CentOS 6.5

[code language=”js”]# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo[/code] [code language=”js”] [google-chrome] name=google-chrome baseurl=$basearch enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey= [/code] [code language=”js”]# yum update -y[/code] [code language=”js”]# wget # chmod u+x[/code] [code language=”js”]# ./[/code]