<li class="bbli">
Slide Show: <ul>
The last image remains displayed until Escape is pressed
Transition preferences: fix large dialog that can overflow a small monitor.
<li class="bbli">
Select Hairy: <ul>
Show the tones currently being selected or deselected.
Select and deselect thresholds were adjusted for finer selectivity.
<li class="bbli">
Select Area: <ul>
Area edit: edge blending appearance was made smoother.
Area copy and paste: smoother edges via variable pixel transparency.
<li class="bbli">
Gallery: <ul>
Use two parallel sessions to drag and drop thumbnails across galleries.
<li class="bbli">
Metadata: <ul>
Report by location, new option: sequence by date-group and location.
Timeline report: create a table of image counts by year and month.
Click on a year/month to produce a corresponding thumbnail gallery.
<li class="bbli">
Color Mode: <ul>
Sepia coloring was improved.
A new slider was added to adjust effect from zero to 100%.
<li class="bbli">
User Options: <ul>
Add an option to set the gallery background color.
<li class="bbli">
Main: <ul>
The Favorites popup menu is initialized with defaults, if empty.
The mouse selection circle remains visible in transparent image areas.
<li class="bbli">
Bugs fixed: <ul>
Images by date-range and location: too many images were being selected.
Paste Area: brightness and edge blend adjustments reset each-other.
<pre>sudo apt-get install gdebi
wget http://www.kornelix.net/downloads/packages/fotoxx-16.08-x86_64.deb
sudo gdebi fotoxx-16.08-x86_64.deb